
Engineering is our passion

We are a software engineering company creating custom solutions for digital radio communications and real time tracking applications

Our Services


We provide Product Management and
Project Managment services

Software Development

We offer custom full-stack software
development services


We offer engineering services for
implementation of custom radio
solutions and software applications

Our Projects

GroundControl VGRS

Based on newest web technology, we have created a highly
customizable monitoring, analysis, control and reporting
application. GroundControl VGRS can process any type of geo
coordinates and can interconnect with TETRA and DMR systems like DAMM TetraFlex® and real time location systems.

Mobile Radio and Sattellite Comlink Station

We designed a custom mobile radio and sattelite comlink solution.
Seamless integration of digital voice radio and the push-to-talk
sattellite comunication system allows the operation in remote
areas. The system is built into a ruggadized enclosure and can be powered by AC(110-240V) or DC(12V).

Crane Radio

We have integrated two diffrent radio units in one box. A custom
housing allows easy installation in the crane cabin. The unit is
equipped with custom electronics that allow radio talk goup
selection and multiple audio input and output options.

A strong team

We believe in the value of international cooperation. Together with our partners, from Denmark to Australia, from Indonesia to Brazil, we are working on the solutions of tomorrow.

Who we are

20+ years experience in the industry

Johann Janzen

Co-Founder & CEO

Engineer and project manager with more than 10 years experience in delivering
communication systems to clients worldwide.

Benjamin Schowe

Co-Founder & CTO

Software architect and consultant with over 20 years experience in designing and
implementing industry grade software solutions.

Get in touch

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time